What to Expect When you “Go Solar”

Unpacking How Solar Impacts Your Home Equity and Appraisal Value

It’s no surprise that the process of going solar does not happen overnight. In our experience, we’ve found that homeowners are often unsure about what to expect after they sign the dotted line for a solar panel install, which can leave them hesitant to begin the process altogether. 

Here at Spartan Solar, we believe in providing clear and consistent information on how a solar panel system will affect you and your home once installed, and today’s entry will focus on the proper timeline and process to expect after you sign up to go solar, from the first consultation all the way to completion.

Introducing the Cast of Your Solar Journey

When you decide to go solar, there are a number of key players involved in the process of getting your home to produce electricity. By identifying who they are, we can more easily understand the steps of the process that take you from consuming the grid’s power to producing your own.

Installer: It should go without saying that the installation company you choose is deeply involved in the process of getting a system added to the home. They are in charge of delivery and installation of all equipment related to the system and managing all the paperwork that comes with it.

Financier: Unless you are purchasing a solar panel system outright, you will have a finance body, likely a major bank, involved in the finance process. They are the ones you will end up paying instead of the local utility company once you switch away from the grid for your power.

Local power company: Your utility company that provides power is a key player in the process of switching over to solar energy. They will grant the system Permission to Operate (PTO) once all of the other work is completed.
Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ): The AHJ is the local government authority, usually a city or county body, that reviews and approves all permits and inspections related to the panel installation.

Each of these entities have a different role to play in your solar journey, and by working together and fulfilling each of their duties, they can help to ensure a smooth transition in your home’s power, guaranteeing each step of the process was done properly and safeguarding your home into the future.

The Solar Process in a Nutshell

While every solar panel installation company will vary on the exact details of the solar install and activation process, the general sequence of steps is by-and-large the same. Once you sign your installation agreement with the install company, the process should look something like this:

Step 1 - Assessment (1-7 days*):

Site assessment is the day-of process with a solar representative that outlines the solar system to be added to the property and evaluates it for fitness to go solar. With homeowner approval, the installation company is granted permission to begin engineering a system for the home with intent to install. Sometimes a secondary assessment by engineers is required to verify the property’s fitment for solar, in which case a follow-up site survey will be conducted. This is also when all finance approvals are completed with the financier, if necessary.

Step 2 - Design and Engineering (3-15 days*):

Once assessment is complete, the install company’s engineers will begin designing the perfect system to send out for permitting.

Step 3 - Permitting (3-120 days*):

Once engineering of the system is complete, the installer will send out a permitting request to the local AHJ to proceed with installation. This step’s duration varies greatly depending on the speed of the AHJ in your area.

Step 4 - Installation (1-3 days*):

With an approved permit packet, the installer will schedule and complete the installation on your property. This can take more than one day if any weather conditions complicate work or extra work is required on the property, like an electric service panel update or roof upgrades.

Step 5 - Inspection (1-30 days*):

Once the installation is complete, the local AHJ will be requested to complete a full inspection of the work to make sure it was done to code and meets all requirements for approval.

Step 6 - Interconnection (30-90 days*):

After the installation has been approved by the local AHJ, they will send a packet to the local utility company to request Permission to Operate (PTO). You will likely receive interconnection agreements from the utility company to complete during this step (and the utility company will likely take as long as they can to complete their part in this step!).

Step 7 - Completion (1-7 days*):

With interconnection complete, all that’s left is to turn on the system and let it get to work! Likely, you will receive full details on monitoring of your system and its production, usually in the form of a mobile app, during this step.

Once Completion has been reached, you are all set to enjoy the luxury of your new power system. Congrats!

*All durations are estimations; exact timelines should be fielded directly from your installer.

Making the Solar Journey as Easy as Possible
With many stages and lots of variables at each step, the process of going solar can seem daunting to those just starting their solar journey. At Spartan Solar, we believe in providing consistent, transparent information for everyone looking to take advantage of this technology, and we are always ready to chat with you. If you have questions about what to expect once you’ve started the solar process, our Customer Portal and knowledgeable professionals can work together to make the process simple and exciting for you.
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